Collaborate, Embed and Integrate – Information Literacy Instruction and Assessment at HKUST (HKUST: Eunice Wong, Steve Yip)
Designing an Architecture Library with Architects and for Architects – A Librarian’s Experience (CUHK: Kevin Leung)
Digitization and Beyond (CityU: Celine Cheung)
Double Trouble – Strategies for a Growing Information Literacy Program (HKBU: Dianne Cmor, Alison Chan, Chris Chan, Xin Li)
Finding the Right Discovery Tools Solution for HKIEd and its Implementation (HKIEd: Francis Chan, Venia Mak)
From Reading Tables to “Learning Commons”: Transformation of Learning Spaces in HKIEd Library (HKIEd: Belinda Kwok, Sidney Cheng)
HKU’s Hub: beyond bibliographic metadata (HKU: David Palmer)
Learning Commons Service Planning at HKUST Library (HKUST: Gabrielle Wong, Edward Spodick)
The New Academic Structure (NAS) and the Library and Information Training of Students Coming into Tertiary Education in September 2012 (Keynote – Mr Stephen Yip, Chief Curriculum Development Officer, Life-Wide Learning and Library, EDB)
OneSearch: the Discovery Path of PolyU Library (PolyU: Lisa Kwan, Alan Ng) – PART ONE and PART TWO
Overview of JULAC Activities (Mr Li Haipeng, University Librarian, HKBU)
Research Enhancement Centre (REC) of the Pao Yue-kong Library (PolyU: Susanna Tsang)
RFID at HKU Libraries: Phase Two Implementation (HKU: Y.C. Wan)
Using Google Analytics to Understand and Enhance the Library’s Web Services in Preparation for 3+3+4 (HKBU: Chris Chan, Li Yiu On)
What and How We Use QR Code Among UGC Libraries (LU: Rebecca Tam)
What Statistics Tell Us: Reflections of UGC Libraries Based on 10 Years of JULAC Statistics (LU: Tommy Yeung)